Deonn's Happy Fun Palace Shindig Blog.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Anyone Know A Good Therapist?
My mother and her life partner are going as Ballerinas for Halloween.
Complete with Tutus and Tiaras.
If only I could blindfold my imagination.
(oops, sorry Mom. I think I just outed you)
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I can't find my phone
I don't have a home phone. I only have a cell phone. when I used to have a home phone I could call my cell phone in order to locate it. I guess i just have to wait for someone to call me...
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Don't Burn Your Bra!
At the risk of over sharing... My bra has a tag on it that says "Do not Iron"
The washing instructions and the fabric information is in English and in French.
The "Do not Iron" is only in English.
Am I to conclude that only English speaking people would be stupid enough to attempt to iron an underwire bra?
Snowglobes 'splodin
I am a dork. In case it wasn't obvious from my previous posts, I will offer more evidence to support the claim that I am indeed...A dork. It is Sunday night and I have just spent the last half hour playing "ring around the water tower." Now just in case that sounded kind of groovy...Let me explain. The water tower is not an actual water tower. (I have spent some time on an actual water tower, but that involved a dare, a drunk and a misguided desire to be cool) I obviously don't give a shit about being cool anymore. I drive a Saturn.
This water tower is a snow globe...I collect snow globes. Have I mentioned that I am a dork? Do I need too? Yes Snow globes. Whenever one of my friends goes on vacation I request a snow globe. The Tackier the better. The Geisel family wins for the amount of snowglobes delivered. The Geisels have contributed The Alaskan Eskimo Ice Cube, The Hockey Playing Moose in a Jar and the Glittery Canadian Beaver on a Rock. Susan brought back Memphis and an Elvis Head Snow Globe/Pencil Sharpener. Jeffery is credited with the Las Vegas High Heel snow globe, which Stacey also acquired for me...go figure. Jeffery also purchased a Washington DC snow globe that I left in my car overnight and it froze and 'sploded. Well it didn't exactly cracked and developed a slow leak. (The title of this blog entry is a little misleading) I used to have a Ring around th Tabernacle from Salt Lake City, but it has mysteriously disappeared. Stacey brought me New York City Skyline, and a Liverpool yellow submarine. The newest addition is also from the Geisels. The Chicago Water Tower. The Chicago water tower is one of the few buildings that survived the Great (or as I like to call AWESOME) Chicago Fire. I think it probably survived because it was safely encased in a giant snow globe.
This is not just a snow globe. It has rings. For someone who has the attention span of a ping pong ball, I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get the rings around the water tower. It took a half an hour but I managed to get the Blue one. YESSS!
Monday, October 04, 2004
Volcano 'Splodin
To quote my friend Marie
"Volcanoes are my favorite natural disaster!"
The volcano is erupting right now. It's kind of anti-climactic. It's not that I want to see massive amounts of death and destruction...but a little bit would be nice.
I like to see things 'splodin.
Usernames and Passwords
I can never remember my password and username for my blog. I have had to have e-mail it to me an embarassing number of times. The trouble is I have too many usernames and passwords for other things. I tried using the same password for everything, while this isn't very secure I am not too concerned with people hacking into my blogger account. I suppose they could post something offensive like support for the NRA, Ku Klux Klan or Tony Danza's new show, but I am not too worried about it. The problem with using the same word for everything is my usual password is too long for some things and too short for others. So I come up with a creative hybrid and promptly forget what it is.
Usernames are another issue. Deonn Ritchie is a fairly uncommon name. Not uncommon enough. (I love using double negatives) I can never seem to use my name as a username. They always suggest adding numbers. Seems like a good idea at the time, so I add some numbers and promptly forget them.
Letters and numbers should not mix.
This is why I hated algebra...and chemistry.
I also hated psychology but I don't think that had anything to do with letters and numbers. That had to do with the fact that I kept self diagnosing myself with every disorder I read about.
It's not easy having a borderline manic depressive paranoid shizophrenic multiple personality pathological lying disorder...or is it?
I have enough trouble remembering my zipcode, this could be due to the fact that I move every ten minutes. I think I should change all of my user names to Cantremember and my password to Idunno.
I wonder if they would let me change my zip code? I won't bother. I'm sure i'll be moving soon.